Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Where did he get that?

Nathan loves to role play with his toys now and this morning as Nathan was playing with his cars, Lightning McQueen pulls up to the train station and I hear Nathan's voice softly say "Oh, my gosh!" That is definitely not a Shane phrase so I guess he picked it up from me. Uh oh.

1 comment:

Sumer said...

Caleb would tell him (as he tells me often) that you are not supposed to say that, you are supposed to say "oh my goodness". I told him that ONE time because I thought the gosh sounded bad when he said it...you could say any truly bad word in front of him and he probably would not bat an eye, but he has super sonic hearing when it comes to the word "gosh". I wish "dont hit your brother" had made such an impact.