Friday, August 1, 2008

God's Blessings

No pictures today because Shane and I are playing tug of war with the camera. He wants to take pictures of things at church and I keep wanting to take pictures of Nathan for the blog and Shane won today. The camera is at the church. I rearranged my schedule so I could be off today and Shane could do Backyard Bible Club and it was nice to be off all day on Friday. Kind of spreads my weekend out a little longer.

Nathan was the center of attention during our Backyard Bible Club visit this morning. He was the only child there. Shane and the youth scoured the neighborhood but still no children. So Nathan had about 8 youth entertaining him this morning. We ate lunch with two of my friends at the Chinese restaurant where Nathan showered himself with rice. Trying to eat it by the fistful he covered himself and the floor. He was blessed with "new to him" toys from Miss Reba. We got some Mega blocks and a cool 9 foot long train puzzle.

This afternoon we were able to go swimming with another friend, Mrs. Penny. Some of the other children from church were at her neighborhood pool as well and Nathan had a big time playing with them. We also got to ride on the golf cart too. Nathan and I are so blessed to have people of all ages who love us and spoil at Calvary.

May God pour out His blessings on you today too!

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