Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Helicopters and Guitars

Nana has won his heart. Last night while Shane and I got to go see a free screening of the movie Fireproof Nana and Nathan had a night out. First they went to Walmart where Nathan studied the "Cars" cars for about half an hour before deciding on the helicopter. And then Nana found THE GUITAR. A Caleb guitar as Nathan calls it. One that plays music and has a strap on it like Daddy's. Nana said he immediately handed off the helicopter for the guitar and took off as fast as his little legs would take him carrying that guitar to the cash register so Nana could pay for it. Little did he know Nana was going to spoil him and buy both. He has been squealing off and on for the past 24 hours. Although helicopter already went missing for a couple of hours during his first 24 hour stint in the house. Those "Cars" cars are sneaky and good at hiding. We finally found him tonight hiding in the back of the toy train. After visiting Walmart they went to Burger King and got Nathan's favorite "chicken and french fries". He was so excited (and full of straight apple juice) he had a hard time going to sleep last night. Hmmm. Wonder why.

To me this is a "little Shane".

1 comment:

Sumer said...

I am excited to show Caleb the picture in the morning, but then it will also serve as a reminder that his mommy has been meaning to get new batteries for his for a couple of months now!