Thursday, August 21, 2008

Football Fever

Tonight we went to the first football game at the high school. The weather was cooler this evening and the game tonight started at 6:30 which works much better when you have a 7:30 bedtime. When we got there it wasn't crowded and we ran into some friends in the parking lot so we thought all was going well. But when we got to the gate Nathan started whining to get back in the van. Well, it wasn't long before he was having the time of his life. Once he saw the football players "crashing" he started squealing in delight. It helped that we got to sit with our neighbor and friend Ian. And we got to have "popcorns". Nathan loves popcorn! I know it's a choking hazard for toddlers but if anyone is eating some in a mile radius Nathan wants some. And Nathan and Shane just happened to be on the bottom walkway when Eufaula scored and caught a football from one of the cheerleaders. So for a last minute decision on a Thursday night to go to the ball game we all had a pretty good time.

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