Sunday, August 10, 2008

Go To Church

Nathan loves to "Go to church." I think at least once a day he heads to the door and says "Go to church." Many of his favorite people and toys are at church. Toys in the nursery and big boy toys like the drums and guitars that belong to the youth praise band. Shane and Nathan play drums and guitar together at least once a week if not more. He loves his little friends in the nursery and he loves "the big boys" the guys in the youth group that graciously interact with him and dote on him each week. We went to church this morning and not thirty minutes after waking up from his nap this afternoon Nathan headed to the door and said "Go to church!" He was ready to go again. Sometimes its frustrating to tell him for the third time that day "No, we're not going to church today." But today, I realized it's a blessing that my child loves to go to church. I pray that continues from his toddler years through his teen years and that we never have to "make" him go to church.

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