Friday, August 8, 2008

Life with Ian

Wednesday and Thursday we picked our friend Ian up from kindergarten and brought him home to stay with us until his dad got off work. The two boys had loads of fun together but Shane and I were both worn out by Thursday evening. Wednesday was the first day of school for Eufaula and they also shuffled the schools around this year so everything was even more crazy there the first couple of days. Shane and I both got to experience 40 minutes of waiting in the parent pick up line at school. Then Nathan was so wired from having his friend over he didn't nap one day. That afternoon he was just squealing this high pitched squeal for no reason. When I asked him to stop he grinned really big and said "I'm excited Mommy." This was the only picture I caught with the both of them being halfway still. All in all Nathan had a big time and the favor has already been returned to us many times over but I'm not sure I'm ready for a 5 yr old and a 2 yr old full time.

1 comment:

Sumer said...

Not so sure I liked the sound of that last sentence!