Friday, August 8, 2008

Biker Babes

Here is Shane sporting his new birthday bike with our little man attached. A friend (thanks Melissa) gave us her old child seat you can attach to the back. Thursday evening Shane got it put on his bike and we tried to borrow Ian's bike helmet just to see if Nathan liked riding with Shane. That Yancey noggin is so big it wouldn't fit in Ian's helmet so we had to go to Walmart and get him a cool red one today. Nathan loves riding with us. Yes, us. I kind of felt like we were part of the Brady bunch taking a family biking outing together. But Shane and I both have felt the need to exercise a little more lately and have found a renewed love for bike riding. Kind of makes us feel like a kid again. All except the chugging to get up the hill part.


Sumer said...

I feel your pain with the Yancey noggin, at high school graduation my hat size was the same as some of the football players. He looks really cute in that snazzy red helmet!

Shane said...

That is a 5+ helmet because the 3+ one was too small. This one is a little loose, but the other one just sat up on top of his head like a yarmulke. There was no 4+ helmet at our Wal-Mart either so it was the red one or nothing.

I still don't feel super comfortable with him behind me. I am so scared I am going to wipe out and take him down with me. So I didn't want him riding with out a helmet.