Saturday, August 30, 2008


My man knows how to enjoy a cupcake!

Night Night Mommy

This morning Nathan woke up at about 6:45 (a little early for him). Then mid-morning I gave him some chocolate chips and butterscotch chips while I was making a dessert for later. He had an allergic reaction to the butterscotch chips so we had to give him some benadryl. After eating lunch he almost laid his head down on the table but I told him he could go night night after eating. He got down from the table and went in the den to play so I gave him his five minute warning. Not a minute later we hear "Night Night Mommy." Nathan was in his bed telling me he was going night night. He had gone to the den and picked out a car to sleep with and gone and climbed in his bed. He was that tired. Before I could finish singing to him his eyes were closed and he was asleep.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Yancey Update

Nathan is much better today. He woke up this morning with his temp almost back to normal and has been fine today. A very sweet, kind, loving, generous, cannot say enough how wonderful Mr. Sam Williams is, loaded our car on his trailer and pulled it down to the dealership on Tuesday for the second time in the past five years. God blesses us day in and day out through our church family. It is amazing how He provides for our needs. Well, two days later and much poorer we have the Maxima back with a new battery, ignition system and key. God is good!

Since we had to go to Dothan anyway to get the car, we were able to make a morning of it for Nathan. We went to the train store (Books a Million), the toy store (Toys R Us), the Veggie Tales store (Lifeway) and Chick-Fil-A. These are all play places for Nathan so he had quite a morning! Again God is good!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Sick Little Man

I haven't posted in two days because we've had a sick little man around our house. He's had what I'm thinking is a little fever virus because he's not showing any other symptoms or signs of illness. He's had 101+ temp since yesterday afternoon. He plays awhile and then just wants to lay around and cuddle with mommy which is fine with me. Tonight I got him ready for bed and put him on the couch to watch Einstein Lullabies. He said "Mommy get the blanket." Which he never says. He never watches a show in the den with a blanket so he must still not feel too great. Hopefully his fever will break during the night.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Climbing in to the Cabinet

This kitchen cabinet is one of Nathan's favorite play places. He loves to swing the door open wide, pull the same pot out, push it aside on the floor and climb in and close the door. The other day a memory struck me. One of those times that it hits you that you're the adult now and this is your child doing the same things. One of the few tales I have from the Bowman side of the family is from my Grandmama Bowman. She told me many a time, "Meredith Ann we used to get so tickled at you. When you was a little bitty thing, just a little bitty old thing, you loved to pull all the pots and pans out of the cabinet and just climb in the cabinet and play." I wish she could see Nathan now doing the same thing.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Toddler Prayers

Tonight's prayer time

Mommy: Thank you God for Daddy and Nathan and Jesus and all our friends at church.
Nathan: Thank you God for Mrs. Yvonne (Sunday school teacher)
Thank you God for e v e r y b o d y.
That's a good idea Nathan!

Rainy Days

When it rains and rains and rains some more what do you do when you are stuck inside all that time? We watched several "shows" and played with flashlights and play doh and even made a tent. It seems like as a child we made tents and played in them for hours. Nathan's interest didn't last for hours but he did enjoy it.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Still no key

Just wanted to update you on the car key. We still have not found it. We've searched high and low and Shane even had one of our deacons helping him scan the parking lot with a metal detector today. No luck. The first of next week we'll have to see about getting the car to Dothan again. Thanks for your prayers. God has a plan.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

5 Nathan Minutes

I wanted to give you guys a brief look at what 5 minutes in the life of Nathan looks like. He is growing up so fast. In case you are wondering about the hedgehog thing. I play a video game where you have to jump on some hedgehogs to knock them off the level. Nathan thinks it is hilarious. He even fell over he was laughing so hard. So it is now a game that he and I play.

Hope you enjoy.

Football Fever

Tonight we went to the first football game at the high school. The weather was cooler this evening and the game tonight started at 6:30 which works much better when you have a 7:30 bedtime. When we got there it wasn't crowded and we ran into some friends in the parking lot so we thought all was going well. But when we got to the gate Nathan started whining to get back in the van. Well, it wasn't long before he was having the time of his life. Once he saw the football players "crashing" he started squealing in delight. It helped that we got to sit with our neighbor and friend Ian. And we got to have "popcorns". Nathan loves popcorn! I know it's a choking hazard for toddlers but if anyone is eating some in a mile radius Nathan wants some. And Nathan and Shane just happened to be on the bottom walkway when Eufaula scored and caught a football from one of the cheerleaders. So for a last minute decision on a Thursday night to go to the ball game we all had a pretty good time.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Where did he get that?

Nathan loves to role play with his toys now and this morning as Nathan was playing with his cars, Lightning McQueen pulls up to the train station and I hear Nathan's voice softly say "Oh, my gosh!" That is definitely not a Shane phrase so I guess he picked it up from me. Uh oh.

Playing in the Park

Tonight we took a family trip to the park. We did some bike riding and then of course we had some playground time. We tried parking in the front parking lot hoping Nathan would let us ride a few minutes before we rode around to the playground. Well no, as soon as his feet hit the pavement he said "Nathan go to the playground." But he did enjoy the ride across the bridge and around the lake area.

The same swings a year and a half ago. How fast they grow!

Shane on Design

This is Shane. I am working on the "hot new look" for The Adventures of Super Squirrel blog, but until then be content with this header. I have been through several different options in my design process, and now I am trying some new ones. My original idea didn't look right when I put it on the page so I am really going back to the starting point. This header and look is probably not going to be even in the final design, but I like it, so it will be up for a while. Well, at least until I make something else I like.

Play Time

God is speaking some of the same to the Yanceys and the Yates. Monday afternoon Nathan took a shorter nap than usual which means more Mama entertaining time between nap and dinner. With no errands to run and plenty of TV time already for the day, I was not happy when he woke up early. I thought "Oh, let's go to the library. We haven't been there in a while." But no, Nathan wasn't interested in the library so finally I sucked it up, smothered myself in skin so soft, grabbed a big glass of ice water and we headed out to the backyard. Nathan played in our yard and the neighbors' yard. He loves to climb up in Mr. Paul's old green Ford and play around. While he was occupied in the truck I grabbed my drink to cool off. Well, little man was quite hot and sweaty so the water didn't last long. After we shared the water we had to share the ice. As we were out there hanging out on this old green Ford, under the shade, chomping on ice, it hit me what a blessing to have time to do such things on a Monday afternoon. Many mamas are at work, waiting on 5:00, to rush out the door, go pick up the kids at daycare, rush home, prepare dinner, bathe the kids and put them to bed. Thank God for providing so I can stay at home with Nathan as much as I do. This morning Nathan woke up early at 6:30 so we had plenty of "Mama entertaining time" again. With all the visible chores done yesterday I had nothing to do but play so I got down in the floor and we played blocks, cars and trucks and trains. And we had fun. Sometimes it is a blessing to have a kid who helps you be a kid again.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Prayer Request

We have lost the key to the Maxima again today. This is the second time this has happened in the last 9 years that we've had the car. The black plastic part of the key breaks at the top so you can't carry it on a key ring. You can't just make a copy because there is a chip to match the security system in the car. Without the chip the car won't crank. Last time we had a friend graciously pull the car down to Dothan to the dealership on a trailer for us so they could reset the system and make a new $85 key. I really don't want to have to do all that again so please pray with us that we will find this key in the morning.

Happy Birthday Jonathan

Happy Birthday "Uncle Jonathan". Wish we could be there in Pell City to have birthday lunch and celebrate with you! If Mom makes a cake to take to Sunday school this year please be nice and don't try to hide it. :) We love you!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Wonderful Week With Nana

We had a wonderful week with Nana. She helps cook (what little we did) and do laundry and loves on Nathan. She enjoys sweets and shares my love for gymnastics. We had so much fun staying up late and watching the olympics. She is now on her way back to Kentucky. It's been a long time since I've cried because my family was far away. I remember as a teenager when we moved to North Carolina, crying everytime we visited with our family in Alabama and we had to leave or they had to leave us in NC. Today brought back some of those same emotions again. Tough stuff. I never knew Shane's parents and from time to time it still makes me sad that I never knew them and Nathan never will. But I feel very blessed to have Brenda for a mother-in-law and I hope she will be able to make this "week in Alabama" an annual thing.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Helicopters and Guitars

Nana has won his heart. Last night while Shane and I got to go see a free screening of the movie Fireproof Nana and Nathan had a night out. First they went to Walmart where Nathan studied the "Cars" cars for about half an hour before deciding on the helicopter. And then Nana found THE GUITAR. A Caleb guitar as Nathan calls it. One that plays music and has a strap on it like Daddy's. Nana said he immediately handed off the helicopter for the guitar and took off as fast as his little legs would take him carrying that guitar to the cash register so Nana could pay for it. Little did he know Nana was going to spoil him and buy both. He has been squealing off and on for the past 24 hours. Although helicopter already went missing for a couple of hours during his first 24 hour stint in the house. Those "Cars" cars are sneaky and good at hiding. We finally found him tonight hiding in the back of the toy train. After visiting Walmart they went to Burger King and got Nathan's favorite "chicken and french fries". He was so excited (and full of straight apple juice) he had a hard time going to sleep last night. Hmmm. Wonder why.

To me this is a "little Shane".

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Pictures Old and New

These are some pictures we found on Nana's camera today. Some are old and some are new.

Go To Church

Nathan loves to "Go to church." I think at least once a day he heads to the door and says "Go to church." Many of his favorite people and toys are at church. Toys in the nursery and big boy toys like the drums and guitars that belong to the youth praise band. Shane and Nathan play drums and guitar together at least once a week if not more. He loves his little friends in the nursery and he loves "the big boys" the guys in the youth group that graciously interact with him and dote on him each week. We went to church this morning and not thirty minutes after waking up from his nap this afternoon Nathan headed to the door and said "Go to church!" He was ready to go again. Sometimes its frustrating to tell him for the third time that day "No, we're not going to church today." But today, I realized it's a blessing that my child loves to go to church. I pray that continues from his toddler years through his teen years and that we never have to "make" him go to church.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Nana's Here

I didn't even try to get Nathan to sit still with Nathan to pose for a picture however we are all very excited she is here. Last night when I put Nathan to bed Shane and Brenda were sitting on the couch talking. This morning when Nathan woke up he and I went in the den to play. Nathan looked around and said "What happen Daddy and Nana?" I think he is going to be one sad little boy come Friday when Nana leaves. She was very sweet to help watch Nathan at Ian's birthday party in the hot Alabama weather today too.

New Haircut

Shane tried his best to get a good shot of his new haircut but it's hard to catch a two year old always on the fly. Nathan went with him to the barber shop again today. This time didn't go as well as the first but he still came out with a decent cut.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Biker Babes

Here is Shane sporting his new birthday bike with our little man attached. A friend (thanks Melissa) gave us her old child seat you can attach to the back. Thursday evening Shane got it put on his bike and we tried to borrow Ian's bike helmet just to see if Nathan liked riding with Shane. That Yancey noggin is so big it wouldn't fit in Ian's helmet so we had to go to Walmart and get him a cool red one today. Nathan loves riding with us. Yes, us. I kind of felt like we were part of the Brady bunch taking a family biking outing together. But Shane and I both have felt the need to exercise a little more lately and have found a renewed love for bike riding. Kind of makes us feel like a kid again. All except the chugging to get up the hill part.

Life with Ian

Wednesday and Thursday we picked our friend Ian up from kindergarten and brought him home to stay with us until his dad got off work. The two boys had loads of fun together but Shane and I were both worn out by Thursday evening. Wednesday was the first day of school for Eufaula and they also shuffled the schools around this year so everything was even more crazy there the first couple of days. Shane and I both got to experience 40 minutes of waiting in the parent pick up line at school. Then Nathan was so wired from having his friend over he didn't nap one day. That afternoon he was just squealing this high pitched squeal for no reason. When I asked him to stop he grinned really big and said "I'm excited Mommy." This was the only picture I caught with the both of them being halfway still. All in all Nathan had a big time and the favor has already been returned to us many times over but I'm not sure I'm ready for a 5 yr old and a 2 yr old full time.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Latest Phone Call

I just received a phone call at work. I saw on the caller id it was our home number so I picked up and said hello. An excited little voice said "I pee pee Mommy! I pee pee!" Shane said it was more at the potty than in the potty but at 27 months we'll take what we can get. Guess I better stock up on pee pee candy.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Birthday Bonanza

We were invited to Ella's birthday party yesterday and I almost didn't take Nathan because it was scheduled at 1:00 pm - his official nap time. But I decided to let naptime slide a little and I'm so glad I did. Nathan had a blast. Ella's mom has a home daycare so there is a whole playroom set up with all toys. And these girls have their own Little Tikes Jump N Slide in their garage and there was a pinata. And I got to eat a delicious lunch I didn't have to prepare. I don't think we will miss another party at Lily and Ella's house.

Pinatas are much safer now - they have these cool pull strings. Much better than a bunch of toddlers swinging a stick at something in the air.

Showing off our loot to Daddy!

The Difference Between Mommies and Daddies

After we took this picture I got to laughing at the differences between Shane and I. When Nathan and I have an apple for a snack I sit him at the table and peel it and cut it and put pieces on a plate for him a few at a time. Yesterday I found Shane giving Nathan an apple for a snack. Nathan was sitting on the kitchen counter eating it whole!

Friday, August 1, 2008

God's Blessings

No pictures today because Shane and I are playing tug of war with the camera. He wants to take pictures of things at church and I keep wanting to take pictures of Nathan for the blog and Shane won today. The camera is at the church. I rearranged my schedule so I could be off today and Shane could do Backyard Bible Club and it was nice to be off all day on Friday. Kind of spreads my weekend out a little longer.

Nathan was the center of attention during our Backyard Bible Club visit this morning. He was the only child there. Shane and the youth scoured the neighborhood but still no children. So Nathan had about 8 youth entertaining him this morning. We ate lunch with two of my friends at the Chinese restaurant where Nathan showered himself with rice. Trying to eat it by the fistful he covered himself and the floor. He was blessed with "new to him" toys from Miss Reba. We got some Mega blocks and a cool 9 foot long train puzzle.

This afternoon we were able to go swimming with another friend, Mrs. Penny. Some of the other children from church were at her neighborhood pool as well and Nathan had a big time playing with them. We also got to ride on the golf cart too. Nathan and I are so blessed to have people of all ages who love us and spoil at Calvary.

May God pour out His blessings on you today too!