Saturday, June 13, 2009

Caves, Dragons, Hail, and Prayer

Yesterday Meredith was looking a little burned out. She suggested that Nathan and I go and play somewhere so that she could work on more cleaning and moving. So I was more than happy to oblige and took Nathan to Dothan.

We had a very full day. It started with an hour in the “train store” which is what Nathan calls Books-a-Million. Then we moved on to Home Depot and T.G.I Fridays.

After that it was time for a nap so Nathan and I drop down to Florida Caverns State Park. It is a fun little place with some walking trails and it about 40 minutes south of Dothan so it would give Nathan a chance to sleep a little bit.

It was raining off and on in Dothan, but it cleared up on our trip. We were less than a mile from the state park when it started to rain again. Nathan was still asleep so I pulled into this neat little public park and stopped hoping he would keep sleeping.

He did until the hail started. Well, he slept through the first small bits of hail, but when it starting being walnut sized it got a little loud in the van. I have to admit I was a little scared. I was worried that 1) there would be a tornado and 2) that the windows would break from the hail.

Anyway, Nathan woke up and told me that it was loud and asked me to make it stop. He was a little freaked out so I tried to play a show to calm him down, but it was so loud in the van he couldn’t hear it.

So here I am sitting in a storm praying and trying to put on a happy face for my son when it hit me that this was a teachable moment and I needed to seize it. So I asked Nathan if he was scared and he nodded. So then I said that we could pray and ask God to take care of us. After some coaching he said, “God, please take care of us.”

Seriously it was an amazing little moment. Almost as amazing as the fact that immediately the hail let up and just a moment later the rain slowed down too and even if it hadn’t you could tell that both of us in the van felt lighter because we knew that God would take care of us.

The cool thing is that when I asked him later, “Who took care of us when it was raining?” he answered “God.”

Anyway, Nathan and I had a pretty cool day. Here are some pictures.





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O yeah, I forgot to tell you about the dragons. So Nathan and I were going to look for a dragon in his cave and Nathan was all excited about it. He even made me get him these binoculars so that we could go find the dragon. Then when we got to the cave he was too scared of the dragon to go in. Sometimes he forgets where the line between what’s real and what is pretend really is.

The swarm of mosquitoes that were all around us were very real though and that made him and I both very irritable. On a side note looks like the one good thing that I passed on to Nathan is my lack of reaction to mosquito bites. I saw one bite him on the cheek and smacked one full of blood on his head and he doesn’t have a single red mark now.

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This rock is at the playground of the park outside of the state park. It is a pretty cool little place. The rock that he is standing by looks like a large rock, but when I got close it had one of those “Placing this over concrete or hard dirt can result in fall injuries” warnings built into it. So I tapped on it and realized that it was hollow. It is actually a man-made thing with several climbing faces. I thought it was much cooler than Nathan did.

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At the same park there was this pond. The duck stood there while Nathan yelled “Hey Duck!” at it over and over. It didn’t move until we go the remains of our breakfast biscuit out and started feeding the turtles. The duck hoped off and ate some too. 


Ky Nana said...

What a wonderful trip(except for the hail). Isn't awesome how God listens to the small voice of a child. God is good. All the time

Sumer said...

A special day for that sweet little boy about to become a big brother.