Monday, January 12, 2009

Weekend Wedding and Getaway

This weekend I was blessed to travel with some friends from church to a friend's wedding in Fairhope. There were several complications and I almost backed out of going but pushed on and went and I am so glad I did. While Shane and Nathan were in Kentucky I was able to share much fun and laughter and tears as we enjoyed being together away from the bus-y-ness of life. It was such a sweet time as we were able to see the Lord bring "joy in the morning" to Laureen and her children again. She is blessed with a new beginning and a new love and it was amazing to witness the tiniest bit of it. The Lord also blessed us with much rest and comfort as he provided a place for us to stay through her new husband and his job. At the cheapest of rates we were able to live in the lap of luxury for a few nights. We got to stay at the Marriot Grand Hotel and Resort where they treated us like royalty. And best of all the Lord provided time to rest and be with Him for a few days. It was wonderful to be on a personal retreat and be restored in His presence again. I am so very thankful for all His blessings this weekend. Though by Sunday I was very happy to be home and with my husband and sweet boy again.

We were surprised with a fruit and cheese tray shortly after our arrival.

The view from our room was magnificent even with the clouds on Saturday.

We were fascinated with the huge trees and greenery all around the resort. Diann was dying to climb up in one!

1 comment:

Sumer said...

Sounds wonderful, I am definitely happy for you and a little bit jealous! ;)