Saturday, January 24, 2009

I have created a monster

Or at least that is what Meredith says. I blame her and her Frank-buying ways, but that debate is for another time. Nathan is in a really weird bedtime routine right now. Well, weird is putting it too nicely. The dude just won't go to bed.

So last night Meredith and I are watching the Miss America thing on TLC (Meredith's television only gets TLC, HGTV, and the Food Network), Nathan is supposed to be going to bed, but he is playing and talking and generally not sleeping. Now keep in mind that it is now 9:45 and he has been in his bed since 7:45.

Well, it isn't long before he starts to cry and yell for his Daddy. I have had enough so I get up to tell him to lay his bottom back down and go to sleep. As soon as I open the door he is full on crying and says, "Daddy, I want to go to Wal-Mart and pay for ??????" (I couldn't figure out what he wanted to pay for. So I told him to lay down and then in full on heart breaking cry Nathan says, "I wanna go to Target."

I had to leave the room I was laughing so hard. The boy is broken. I like to blame his mother, but I have a strong suspicion it is all my fault.



Anonymous said...

That is one smart kid

Sumer said... all need to live somewhere with a 24 hour Wal-Mart to meet his needs! ;)

Shane said...

We ended up going to target the next day. Not only did I create this monster, but I also help to feed it.

I am working on an allowance system for Nathan so that I can make him buy his own cars, but I think it may still be too soon. He sure did love handing "his" 5 dollars to the lady at target though.