Thursday, January 22, 2009

Some Daddy and Nathan Stuff

Meredith likes to tell her Nathan stories, but most of mine don't make it here, so I thought I would write a couple myself.

The same day that Nathan and I were playing outside (see below) we also went inside the church and he helped me set up the walls for our Sunday school classes.

This was just one of those cool moments that happen when you are a dad. Nathan and I sat down to watch a movie and my lovely wife popped us some popcorn. It was fun.

The Yanceys were on the bed playing (which is a daily occurrence now). Nathan normally jumps on the bed while Meredith and I try to keep him from falling off, but for some reason he decided to burrow under the covers. I thought he looked so sweet that I went to get the camera.

I tried to take a couple of pictures to capture the "sweetness" that I saw, and finally just asked him to close his eyes. You can see the result.

I have to tell you having a son is one perfect photo opportunity after another. Of course having a 2 year old means that you can't get the camera up fast enough to catch most of the them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very sweet.Thanks Shane. I love to see my grandson doing things. I miss so much
of his growing up