Monday, May 24, 2010

A Magnificent Monday

Today was quite a fun day for a Monday. Nathan started day camp at Parkview. They run a small daycamp (about 20 kids) for parents who still need childcare during the summer. Three of Nathan's friends from his class this past year are in daycamp as well. He had a lot of fun with them today, which is an answered prayer. (We are also blessed that Mrs. Lindsey still has a spot for Noah.) Today was Shane's day off and Shane and Noah made a short trip to Dothan so Nathan and I had a lunch date at Sonic. We enjoyed eating outside in the shade and playing with the toys they have out for kids to play with. The boys napped opposite times this afternoon so I got one on one play time with both of them. Noah is crawling all over the place, chasing us and playing with his toys. Nathan and I had fun playing cars. We had yummy homemade pizza for supper. While I was cleaning up Nathan yelled "Mommy, Noah's standing up!" He pulled all the way up by himself in his pack and play.
Then we had some swimming time in our backyard pool and after Noah went to bed we had family game time. It still blows me away to think that Nathan is old enough for us to sit and play a game together but he is the one who asked to play a game and sat and played through a whole game of Sorry. He honestly beat us both - we didn't let him win. Here's his little victory celebration.
Not a bad way to start off the summer...

1 comment:

KY Nana said...

Yea Noah. and yea for Nathan beating Mom and Dad.
way to go boys