Sunday, May 23, 2010

Church Picnic at the Park

We had our annual church picnic at the park and had lots of fun in the hot hot sun. Nathan played and played barely stopping to eat, only because I made him. As we were finishing our hot dogs Nathan asked me to go push him on the swing. I told him I would after we all finished eating. I looked up a few minutes later to see five year old Kennedy who is no bigger than him pushing him on the swings. Not sure how he conned her in to it. Noah took ride after ride in his little red car and grinned and played shy for lots of people. With his ear infection and teething he wasn't feeling too great and clung to mommy a good bit. When the sun was almost gone and everything almost packed up I told Nathan it was time to go. Expecting some rebellion and tears from him, he tiredly said, "Mommy, I think I want some more hot dog now." The hot dogs were long gone so he settled for a rice krispie treat instead. Shane played hard with the big guys and wore himself out playing ultimate frisbee. A fun day with lots of friends. I know they are a lot of work for the people who do all the prep work but I think we should have church picnics more often.

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