Sunday, May 30, 2010

Coca-Cola Space Science Center

OK, I like to go to new places. Having a boy who is old enough to go places with me really does make me smile. This week we went to the Coca-Cola Space Science Center in Columbus, GA. It is a part of Columbus State University and while I had seen their website before I really had no idea what it was or what was inside.

But on Saturday I needed an adventure so Nathan and I loaded up together to go check it out. It is basically a planetarium. You know the huge dome theater that you went to on a class field trip or if you are from the Western Kentucky area when you went to the Land Between the Lakes.

The show we went to see was a kids show called “My Backyard” it was just about right on the level for a 4 year old. Some parts of it were a little young, but most of it was educational and Nathan stayed engrossed the whole time. Of course he doesn’t like loud noises so I had to bribe him with the promise of a treat to get him to stay in the theater and let him wear the ridiculous headphones that you see in the pictures. He sat in my lap with his head laid back on my chest and both hands pressed against his ears the whole time, but he stayed and actually was singing the song and still talking about the movie today. 

In the lobby of the Space Science Center are a bunch of interactive displays that Nathan found pretty fun. There is the nosecone of a space shuttle, some cool camera stuff (like a green screen and an inferred camera). There are also the things that you see in the pictures below. Nathan and I had a fun time playing and then going to watch the movie.


Probably Nathan’s favorite thing was this rug that was on a little stage in front of a looping movie about astronauts. He kept singing the planet song that he learned from Blues Clues and walking to each planet.


This is a model of a nosecone of the Apollo II rocket (I think it was 2, it could be a different Apollo rocket). I had to force Nathan to stand in front of it because he thought that it would make a noise.


They have 4 of these airplane cockpits that move around like you are flying in a plane. Again, I had to make Nathan sit in it so I could take his picture, and even though he sat in my lap while I played he wouldn’t let me make it move.


For over 30 minutes Nathan sat with his hands on his ears like this, of course for most of the time he was in my lap.

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It just happens that the Space Science Center is across the street from “Heritage Park” which is just a little place with plaques that tell about the history of Columbus. Nathan and I took some pictures in there too.


We finished up our day by going around the block to the downtown Columbus area to get something to eat. We walked by a used bookstore and Nathan wanted to go in. When we got inside he ran right to the back looking for the train. He was pretty sad when I explained that not all bookstores have train tables. But they did have a chess game and he made me sit down and play chess by Nathan rules which of course means that he won. Finally we went to eat at a little deli where Nathan of course got a hotdog and also a big cookie.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Fishing Lesson

Yesterday Nathan and I went by Mr. Sam’s new fishing store. Sam told us that if we came by today he would have a present for Nathan. So on our way to Columbus (more on that trip later) we stopped by and Mr. Sam had a new rod and reel for Nathan and even one for us to put up for Noah when he gets older.

Mr. Sam also gave Nathan some really neat velcro fish that he can use to practice casting. Nathan was pretty excited about his new stuff (which also included the hat he is wearing.) Thanks again Sam.


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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Daddy/Nathan Day

Today just happened to work out to be a Daddy and Nathan day. This morning I just didn’t think he looked very ready to go to his little preschool day camp thing again so I suggested that he come to work with me. He played in my office floor and helped me to move chairs to set up where our new Sunday school class will meet.

This afternoon Meredith was working so I was hanging out with both boys. I took Nathan to get his hair cut and as you can see he looks like a grown up boy now.

After supper Meredith kept Noah at home while Nathan and I went out to the newly refurbished White Oak park. We got back just in time for Meredith to go out walking so I gave Nathan a bath and put him to bed. He looked so grown up in his pajamas that I had to take a picture. Like I said it was a Daddy and Nathan day all the way around.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

More Monday Stuff

I thought I would drop a video of our swim time to supplement Meredith’s post about today. I was trying out some new video techniques and some of them didn’t quite work, but you can see Noah and Nathan having a great time.)


A Magnificent Monday

Today was quite a fun day for a Monday. Nathan started day camp at Parkview. They run a small daycamp (about 20 kids) for parents who still need childcare during the summer. Three of Nathan's friends from his class this past year are in daycamp as well. He had a lot of fun with them today, which is an answered prayer. (We are also blessed that Mrs. Lindsey still has a spot for Noah.) Today was Shane's day off and Shane and Noah made a short trip to Dothan so Nathan and I had a lunch date at Sonic. We enjoyed eating outside in the shade and playing with the toys they have out for kids to play with. The boys napped opposite times this afternoon so I got one on one play time with both of them. Noah is crawling all over the place, chasing us and playing with his toys. Nathan and I had fun playing cars. We had yummy homemade pizza for supper. While I was cleaning up Nathan yelled "Mommy, Noah's standing up!" He pulled all the way up by himself in his pack and play.
Then we had some swimming time in our backyard pool and after Noah went to bed we had family game time. It still blows me away to think that Nathan is old enough for us to sit and play a game together but he is the one who asked to play a game and sat and played through a whole game of Sorry. He honestly beat us both - we didn't let him win. Here's his little victory celebration.
Not a bad way to start off the summer...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Church Picnic at the Park

We had our annual church picnic at the park and had lots of fun in the hot hot sun. Nathan played and played barely stopping to eat, only because I made him. As we were finishing our hot dogs Nathan asked me to go push him on the swing. I told him I would after we all finished eating. I looked up a few minutes later to see five year old Kennedy who is no bigger than him pushing him on the swings. Not sure how he conned her in to it. Noah took ride after ride in his little red car and grinned and played shy for lots of people. With his ear infection and teething he wasn't feeling too great and clung to mommy a good bit. When the sun was almost gone and everything almost packed up I told Nathan it was time to go. Expecting some rebellion and tears from him, he tiredly said, "Mommy, I think I want some more hot dog now." The hot dogs were long gone so he settled for a rice krispie treat instead. Shane played hard with the big guys and wore himself out playing ultimate frisbee. A fun day with lots of friends. I know they are a lot of work for the people who do all the prep work but I think we should have church picnics more often.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Partying with Family

Cousin Robbie had an awesome Batman Birthday Party with lots of big bouncy things and Batman cake and a crate full of all the Capri Suns you could drink. That and Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Amanda to play with makes about the best party ever.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Monkey Joes

Preschool is over but summer day camp hasn't started yet so I surprised Nathan with a trip to Monkey Joe's. He gets a birthday coupon to bring a friend for free so Abby and Kyndal met us there. We went early in the morning but evidently Nathan didn't sleep enough the night before. About 10 minutes out I look back in my mirror and see Nathan snoozing. When we got there I had literally had to shake him to wake him but once I did...

Daddy Popcorn and Chocolate Cheerios

Nathan didn’t nap today so we had lots of afternoon fun time. Around 2:30 I made us some “daddy popcorn” which is more aptly called as “the greatest snack food ever created by man” or maybe “so darn good I would be burned as a witch if I lived in that witch burning time in Salem and tried to make it” (SDGIWBBAAWIILITWBTISATTMI for short). Of course in our house the kettle corn greatness is just called “daddy popcorn”

Anyway, I thought it would be fun to have some this afternoon. It was a little scary popping it with Noah under my feet, but he just won’t stay put anymore. He is crawling all over the house now and even though I stuck him in the den with Nathan he still ended up at my feet.

Well, the daddy popcorn tradition is to eat it while watching Lingo on Game Show Network. Normally we watch it on the DVR, but it happened to be time to see it live. While I was getting the popcorn ready I put Noah in the den with a snack of chocolate Cheerios (which taste like burned chocolate to me, but Noah likes them). By the time I got to the den the wonderful baby moment that you see in the picture below had already begun so I chose to just let him have fun and clean it up after our snack.

Both of the boys were too cute not to take pictures.





Sunday, May 16, 2010

Thanks, Aunt Theresa

Nathan was so excited to get his card and money from Aunt Theresa. He couldn’t wait to go to the “big Wal-Mart” to spend it. We spent nearly an hour going through the toys trying to find just the right thing. Thanks again!


Friday, May 14, 2010

Pell City with Family

Fun times in the pool at the Comfort Suites.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Nathan is Four!

Happy Birthday Nathan!