Friday, February 5, 2010

Nathan Won

Nathan has been playing video games for much of his life. During that time I have used our play as a way to teach him important lessons.

  1. Don’t whine about games, they are just games
  2. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but just playing can be fun
  3. If you try hard enough and keep trying you can get better and succeed.

Normally that means that I will play him in a game and let him win a few and then win a few myself and then let him win a couple more. But tonight things were different.

We were playing the 3 Point Shooting game on Wii Sports Resort (which Nathan calls dark basketball because it is played at night). I was trying to get a new high score so I was fully engaged in the game and trying to win. We played three times in a row. Nathan beat me every time.

The thing is, Nathan beats me pretty much every day because I let him win so the thrill for him to win was there, but he didn’t realize what had just happened. For the first of what I am sure will be many more times Nathan beat me at a video game.

I am don’t think I am going to play with him anymore.


KY Nana said...

You taught him well.Chip off the old block I say

Andy Crouch said...

Cooper can beat me at any level of Mario Kart Wii just about any time he wants to. It saddens me and makes me proud, all at the same time.