Saturday, February 27, 2010

Auburn Baseball


I made a decision last year that I wanted to spend a few afternoons watching Auburn Baseball with Nathan. Today was the first one that we could go and watch. The day was sunny enough, but the temperature was a little cold. Since I never really went to Auburn Baseball games I just assumed no one else did either. I was shocked to find the stadium nearly full. Of course part of that was because there was a ceremony honoring Bo Jackson, Frank Thomas and two other guys as the first inductees into the Auburn wall of fame. They put big pictures of them up on the outfield wall and revealed them today.

That was neat to see, but Nathan was bored with it. I was sort of frustrated too just because with Nathan at a sporting event you get about an hour and a half of attention before he is ready to go. A big chunk of that time today was spent with speeches. It was neat to be there, but for a first ever baseball game with father and son I wanted a little more baseball, oh well.

When the baseball finally got started Nathan was excited. We were sitting right on the field, but way down the first base line. The big safety net in front of us made me feel safe, but being that close it was distracting. Nathan liked watching the screen with the pictures of the players and their numbers as much as he liked watching the baseball. He also couldn’t understand why they didn’t get a home run every at bat. Of course we had to have a hotdog and some popcorn too.

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1 comment:

Ky nana said...

There is nothing better than a hotdog at a baseball game.Looks like Nathan had fun.