Monday, February 8, 2010

My Sweet Baby Noah

It's just one of those days where I feel like my baby is growing up all too fast. In the last week Noah has started sitting up all by himself. Thus we moved him to the bigger bathtub. His smiles and laughter seem to be getting bigger each week too. He knows when we put him in the high chair it's time to eat and demands food immediately. If he sees a bottle he will jump out of your arms to reach it. He fights sleep now and knows when you walk in his room with the light out it's time to go to sleep and cries. When I rock him he fights it and squirms for a minute but then soon gives in and rocking him is just as sweet as ever. When he wakes up happy he coos and plays. When he wakes up sleepy he is still a sweet snuggle bunny. When his daddy or Nathan walks in the room and he sees them or even hears one of their voices his face lights up with a grin from ear to ear. Oh, how I love my boys and how thankful I am for them.


KY Nana said...

What a sweetie

Sumer said...

I cant wait to see him again...he looks so chunky and adorable!!

Amanda said...

I can't get over Noah's smile! :) What a happy baby!