Tuesday, March 2, 2010

8 Month Old Noah

This is our sweet little Noah. We are blessed with such a happy baby. He is a curious, busy little boy. He will grab anything within reach in seconds and put in his mouth. He has two teeth now and is a drool monster. He loves to eat and is filling out fast. He is 19 lbs. 6 oz. The minute you put him in his high chair he demands food and looks at you sad like when it's all gone. He will still let me rock him and put him to bed most times. In the afternoons when Shane is home, he loves to curl up for a good long nap with his daddy. He can roll or wiggle across his blanket and it won't be long before he's crawling. Wish you all could see him more often to hug and squeeze him tight.

1 comment:

Ky Nana said...

that is the sweetest face in the world. I would hug him to pieces and kiss his face off if I could be there. He is growing so fast and I am missing so much