Saturday, April 11, 2009

Praise the Lord and Praise the Lord!

Nathan is feeling much better today. Nights are still pretty rough with lots of crying off and on but today when I heard him awake and went in there he had sat up all by himself and said Mommy "I'm better!" It's amazing to watch him compensate for not using that arm and that side of his body. Instead of bending over to pick things up he squats and he walks around with his right hand kind of pulled in to him, knowing not to use that hand or arm. A smart little two, almost three year old.

Also, our camera is found! We finally got thru to the lost and found at the Huntsville Space and Rocket Center today and someone turned in our camera last Sunday. He said they would probably mail it out on Monday. How awesome is that! Not only did someone find it in the parking lot and turn it in, it's not broken (the worker turned it on and looked at the pictures) and they will mail it to us!

God is good all the time!

1 comment:

Ky Nana said...

God is good!!!All the time..
And What a amart grandson I have. He is so precious