Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tough Days

With the weather changing from hot to cold and cold to hot and back to cold Nathan and I both are miserable with stuffy noses and sneezes. The lack of true solid healthy sleep for the past few nights is really starting to wear on us both. Hopefully we'll have some positive posts in the next few days.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I have created a monster

Or at least that is what Meredith says. I blame her and her Frank-buying ways, but that debate is for another time. Nathan is in a really weird bedtime routine right now. Well, weird is putting it too nicely. The dude just won't go to bed.

So last night Meredith and I are watching the Miss America thing on TLC (Meredith's television only gets TLC, HGTV, and the Food Network), Nathan is supposed to be going to bed, but he is playing and talking and generally not sleeping. Now keep in mind that it is now 9:45 and he has been in his bed since 7:45.

Well, it isn't long before he starts to cry and yell for his Daddy. I have had enough so I get up to tell him to lay his bottom back down and go to sleep. As soon as I open the door he is full on crying and says, "Daddy, I want to go to Wal-Mart and pay for ??????" (I couldn't figure out what he wanted to pay for. So I told him to lay down and then in full on heart breaking cry Nathan says, "I wanna go to Target."

I had to leave the room I was laughing so hard. The boy is broken. I like to blame his mother, but I have a strong suspicion it is all my fault.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Some Daddy and Nathan Stuff

Meredith likes to tell her Nathan stories, but most of mine don't make it here, so I thought I would write a couple myself.

The same day that Nathan and I were playing outside (see below) we also went inside the church and he helped me set up the walls for our Sunday school classes.

This was just one of those cool moments that happen when you are a dad. Nathan and I sat down to watch a movie and my lovely wife popped us some popcorn. It was fun.

The Yanceys were on the bed playing (which is a daily occurrence now). Nathan normally jumps on the bed while Meredith and I try to keep him from falling off, but for some reason he decided to burrow under the covers. I thought he looked so sweet that I went to get the camera.

I tried to take a couple of pictures to capture the "sweetness" that I saw, and finally just asked him to close his eyes. You can see the result.

I have to tell you having a son is one perfect photo opportunity after another. Of course having a 2 year old means that you can't get the camera up fast enough to catch most of the them.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Daddy's Day on the Playground

I love this picture because this is Nathan's personality when it comes to the playhouse. Nathan will share everything on the playground but when it comes to the playhouse he truly has a "Don't mess with me and my house!" attitude. I don't know why but he doesn't want anyone else inside or messing with the door or the windows of "Nathan's house." He has had to sit in time out at Mrs. Lindsey's and at church for this. Shane who is from Kentucky and knows what cold is took Nathan all bundled and came inside after about 5 minutes because it was so cold last week.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary to my sweet husband. He sent me 11 beautiful roses for 11 wonderful years. Time passes so fast. I remember the excitement of that special Saturday morning just like it was yesterday. Waking early and going to the church to get ready. Spending time praying for the Lord's blessing on our day and our lives. All of my family and friends surrounding us. Taking precious pictures with family and the bestest of friends. I remember little Jonathan not too happy about being in a tux and not so happy about having his picture made. Standing in the back of the church and listening to "How Beautiful". Seeing Shane for the first time that day as I walked down the aisle. Tears streaming down my cheeks as I tried to say my vows. I never thought on our 11th anniversary I'd be in my pj's, pregnant, trying to entertain a 2 1/2 year old because it's too cold to play outside while my husband is busy at church. But our marriage is a blessing from the Lord and I am thankful. I love you Shane. Happy Anniversary!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Growing Up

Wednesday when I put Nathan down for a nap, he asked to go to "Mommy's work" meaning he wanted to go play on the playground at Parkview. So I told him after his nap we would go. As soon as he woke up from his nap he asked again to go to Mommy's work. While it was still warm enough I wanted him to play outside and we did enjoy playing together on the playground. Since Parkview has an excellent preschool program I hope to enroll Nathan there this fall. As we were out there playing it was hard for me to imagine him running around out there without me following him around to help him climb and catch him when he falls. At least we have a few more months before we are there. :)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Weekend Wedding and Getaway

This weekend I was blessed to travel with some friends from church to a friend's wedding in Fairhope. There were several complications and I almost backed out of going but pushed on and went and I am so glad I did. While Shane and Nathan were in Kentucky I was able to share much fun and laughter and tears as we enjoyed being together away from the bus-y-ness of life. It was such a sweet time as we were able to see the Lord bring "joy in the morning" to Laureen and her children again. She is blessed with a new beginning and a new love and it was amazing to witness the tiniest bit of it. The Lord also blessed us with much rest and comfort as he provided a place for us to stay through her new husband and his job. At the cheapest of rates we were able to live in the lap of luxury for a few nights. We got to stay at the Marriot Grand Hotel and Resort where they treated us like royalty. And best of all the Lord provided time to rest and be with Him for a few days. It was wonderful to be on a personal retreat and be restored in His presence again. I am so very thankful for all His blessings this weekend. Though by Sunday I was very happy to be home and with my husband and sweet boy again.

We were surprised with a fruit and cheese tray shortly after our arrival.

The view from our room was magnificent even with the clouds on Saturday.

We were fascinated with the huge trees and greenery all around the resort. Diann was dying to climb up in one!

Yoda Returns

Recently someone gave us some stars wars toys including a Yoda. I showed Nathan pictures of when he was Yoda last year and he wanted to be Yoda again. It is hard not to laugh when you walk in the room and see this little live Yoda in front of you.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Splish Splash!

Sunday afternoon I took Nathan out to the ballfields to let him play frisbee and soccer with Daddy and the big boys. After playing for a little while he just couldn't resist the mud puddles. Sometimes you just have to let boys be boys!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Auburn Basketball

Saturday night we got to enjoy an Auburn basketball game with my family. Nathan was excited about going to see the basketball players again but then the excitement doubled when he found out FeFe, One, Amanda and Jonathan were coming. We all had a great time. I got to spend time with my family, Shane got to actually watch the whole game with Jonathan who actually watches the game and talks basketball with him, and Nathan had a blast. He loved the basketball players, hot dogs and popcorn, seeing Aubie and he loved running laps around the lobby & concession area of the arena. Several of us took a turn or two walking and running laps with him. The energy of a two year old amazes me. When I was a student I would walk with friends in the arena for exercise. Never did I think in ten years I'd be there again walking and jogging with my two year old. God is good and we are enjoying His blessings.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from the Yanceys. Here are some post Christmas pictures of our little guy living it up with his new toys.

Since we're not playing team sports yet Nathan doesn't quite follow the rules of soccer yet. He just made up his own game. Kick the ball and kick the cones over. That's how you score points.
Tuesday after a hospital visit Shane and Nathan made a big find at Toys R Us. They found a Flo car to go with his new Flo's Diner. He has been living in Cars world lately watching the movie over and over and carrying those little cars and that Mack truck with him everywhere.

Christmas in Kentucky

We made the transition from Pell City to Kentucky on Christmas Day with Nathan taking a 3 1/2 hr nap in the van and an interesting dinner at a Chinese buffet including a miniature octopus on Shane's plate. Yum! Nathan is always very excited to see his Nana and his cousins and Shane is always glad to be "home." We had so much fun visiting with Caleb, Silas, Canaan and little Claire this year as well. Shane got to go shopping with Corey and pick out his new ipod and showed off his cooking skills by using his new mandolin (sp?)slicer to cut and fry homemade potato chips for everyone. We also got to have some adult hangout time where I officially helped win some pieces of the pie for me and Shane in the trivial pursuit game and I won Settlers of Cattan. Playing games is so much more fun when you win! Our time together seemed to end as quickly as it began and it's hard for me to believe Christmas has come and gone.