Friday, October 3, 2008

Sweet Little Blessings

Sometimes my mornings are hectic - up early to walk with Penny, back home to hear Nathan calling my name from his bed as I step inside, get him out of bed, fix his breakfast and mine, wolf it down, get him settled watching Mickey, jump in the shower, pick out whatever I don't have to iron to wear, halfway dry my hair, brush my teeth, light makeup, hurried goodbyes and blowing kisses, lipstick on in the car on the way to work, pull in the parking lot and it's 8:02. Crap.

But then there are such sweet moments in the midst of all that craziness that I have to smile and give thanks to God. Like when I pick Nathan up out of bed and he just wraps himself around me in a hug laying his head on my shoulder. Thank you God. And most often when he asks the blessing for his food. He is normally a loud child but when he asks the blessings he tilts his head down just the slightest and says in the most timid voice. "Thank you God for the orange milk (milk in the orange cup) and big waffles and the syrup and the bacon, (then there is some looking at the table to make sure he didn't miss anything). Amen." Thank you God for moments like this in mornings like these.

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