Wednesday, October 1, 2008

2 1/2 with a FP3

Our almost two and a half year old little boy has his own FP3 (Fisher Price MP3) player. I thought learning to play video games at two was one thing but Shane's really getting him hooked on gadgets early. This was a hand me down from our sweet secretary at the church who keeps passing on some wonderful toys for Nathan. I just hope she's around when he's 13!


Sumer said...

An FP3...that is precious. I had never even heard of such a thing. What songs does he have on there?

Anonymous said...

Right now he just has the three songs and two stories that came with it - stuff we have never even heard of but we're trying to figure out how to download new ones to put on it. He does love music so I'm hoping we can figure it out.