Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

We had a blast with lots of friends from church at Faith Farms on Saturday. Nathan loves to jump on the moonwalk anywhere we go.
And of course the playground is a big hit!
Nathan stood up here pretending to be a pirate forever.
Hanging with old friends and new friends. Jenna's going to be a great babysitter one day and "Joe Joe" is a favorite friend from staying at Mrs. Kelli's house for several months.
Nathan loved the animals. I was talking to someone and Nathan was with some of the older children looking at the camel and the pony. I found him taking their scarecrow display apart. He was pulling wads of hay out of the hay bale and tossing it in for the camel to eat.
Nathan also loved the sheep. The mama sheep would come and stick her head out and let you pet her. She baaaa'd at Nathan a couple of times and he just giggled and giggled. He loved seeing and hearing the live animals up close. Since there weren't any hay bales around he scrounged around on the ground for some pine straw to feed the sheep. He kept saying "Come here sheep. Come here sheep." And just couldn't understand why the sheep wasn't interested in the fake hay.The hayride was a big hit because of the tractor pulling us. I couldn't get Nathan off the playground to go to the hayride and Mrs. Sam walks up and says "Nathan you want to go see the tractor?" Nathan jumped down immediately and took off after her. Sam says I have to learn to talk boy talk. She has a precious little boy named Jay and evidently I have a lot to learn from her.
Nathan picked up the first two pumpkins he came to and claimed them. One for me and one for him. Then on the hayride back I caught him just as he was about to sink his teeth into one. Yuck!
I caught one quick pose but I didn't get much of the scarecrow display behind him.
And one of the best parts. POPCORN at the end. Mrs. Kelli won his heart. She popped popcorn and brought bags for all the kids. That is probably Nathan's most favorite snack or treat right now. He loves popcorn. Football games, outings, or an afternoon snack at home. He loves popcorn. Don't ever mention it around him or you'll have to find some quick!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He sure does have a good time everywhere he goes.
That is a good thing. But he is also all boy,trying anything that crosses his mind. Sure is a sweetie pie