Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Photo that Almost was

Nathan has some digestion issues. I guess that is the best way to describe the daily discussions we are forced to have with him about the regularity of his poop. Last night at church Nathan was eating supper and suddenly and with very little warning just threw up everything he had eaten including his lunch. Needless to say it wasn’t a pretty sight.

But it didn’t seem to phase him and after Meredith took him home he even ate the rest of his supper.

Well, today I had this great idea to get the boys dressed in somewhat similar clothing and go outside and have a photo shoot with the new camera. It was a perfect crisp day and I knew that the shaded park they like to go to would have really nice lighting for some pics.

One we get there Nathan gets on the swing and we take a couple of pictures and then we move on to actually sitting them down and taking some shots. I get them to sit like you see below and take one shot. I am just about to move Nathan down closer to Noah and make a couple of adjustments on the camera for what I am sure will be a picture perfect for Christmas cards and maybe even a Christmas gift or two.


Well, as I am making the adjustments I hear Nathan make this weird cough sound and I look up and notice that he just has the look of someone about to throw up and looking for a place to do it. Luckily I got him directed over the side of the play structure and also away from Noah, but he spewed out his lunch and Kool-Aid in a sickly sweet smelling purple torrent.

After that he was fine once again, but I decided to just let him go play.

Tonight Nathan spent a great deal of time sitting on the potty and taking care of business so hopefully we won’t have a repeat of this in the morning.

1 comment:

KY Nana said...

What a day!!!Purple puke ?