Saturday, December 4, 2010

Nathan and Girls

Nathan is becoming more and more social. Yesterday when I came home I asked him about his day at school. After assuring me that he didn’t get in trouble all day (a feat that still garners praise) he proceeded to tell me about his time on the playground. This is the conversation.

Me: So who did you play with?

Nathan: Gavin, and Max, and Levi

Me: What did you play?

Nathan: We played monsters and went “rarrr” at the girl

Me: What did the girls do?

Nathan: We thought they would run away, but they didn’t run away, they just told us to stop it.

Ok, typing that conversation doesn’t make it seem as cute as it was when he told it. The inflection that Nathan gave on the “stop it” told everything. It was like the girls had just rolled their eyes at the crazy boys and went on about the day.

I didn’t have the heart to tell him that his momma does the same to me nearly every day. It is just how girls are, but I guess that is why we love them.

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