Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Noah Stories

For a kids who can’t walk yet, Noah is fast becoming a little boy and not a baby. I have so many stories of his evolving personality that I wanted to be sure to put a few of them here.

Noah can understand pretty much everything that we tell him to do now. I even sent him in the living room to bring me his cup so I could put more milk in it and he came crawling and clumping his cup on the ground as he did it.

While he can understand everything, it doesn’t mean that he does what we tell him to do. He is stubborn, very stubborn. I remember days when Nathan would test our limits, but it is nothing compared to Noah’s full on head thrown back cry. When you tell him “no, no” or that he is in trouble he goes into this whole routine where he lays his head down and cries this big fake tears. Then when you smile at him again he will sit up and do exactly what you just scolded him for doing. A second scolding will produce the same sad act.

The pictures below are from when I told him not to pick at the insulation foam you can see in the picture. He just collapsed and then looked up at me with his sad face. if I didn’t have to be the parent I would laugh every time because it is both funny and cute. I have even started calling him Gizmo because I think that he looks like the little Mogwai on Gremlins when he is sad.


Noah knows a bunch of words now (ball, cup, button, this, daddy, nathan, mommy when he is in the right mood and several more) but his favorite word by far is MORE. It is like smurf to him. He uses it when he wants food, when he wants to keep playing, when he wants you to hold him longer. Everything that he still wants to do elicits several little “more, more, more” from him. If you ask him what he wants more of he will usually say “this.” Which must come from us holding up things and asking “Do you want this?”

One of the other words that he can say is “poot” which he will answer you if you ask him if he pooted. The boy is a Yancey through and through.

One of his favorite games is to have his belly zerberted. At random times he will hold up his shirt and say “belly” which is an invitation for you to blow on his stomach. Then of course he wants to do the same to you and will pull up your shirt to make the raspberry nose.

There are dozens of other small things that he does, things that he does just for me, that make me smile. I just wanted to let you in on a few of them.

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