Thursday, July 8, 2010

Noah's First Birthday

Noah's birthday was Friday so we got up and sang "Happy Birthday" and let him open a few presents. I hope he likes the toy keys. He tries to grab mine from my hand every time he sees them and chew on them. We had a normal day of Mrs. Lindsey's and play, then we went to eat dinner at the BBQ restaurant. They serve little cornbread pones and last time Noah cried when we were all done. The piece that was left he carried with him to the van and continued to eat on in the van. This time it was just okay to him. After that we went out to the Lakepoint Lodge playground and the boys had a big time. Noah got to ride in his big red car and he loved the playground. He's not so much for the swings but he loved the slide and the tunnel.

Noah at age 1 is still crawling around, drinking his bottle and eating baby food. Taking his time transitioning to little boy. But he is adorable and we could just eat him up! He is still a happy boy, smiling all the time, grinning from ear to ear with those four little front teeth. He loves his "Ma Ma" and "Da Da" and "Nat an". He lights up and starts jumping and babbling when any of us walk into the room. He goes for a check up next week and I'll add those stats. We love you Noah! Happy Birthday!
Check up Tuesday, July 13 - 22 lbs!

1 comment:

KY Nana said...

How very precious. Can hardly wait to be a small part of his life. He is such a happy baby.Hot dogs for Nana and Nathan yea