Saturday, July 10, 2010

Nana’s Here and Meredith is Leaving

Meredith is heading to Guatemala for her mission trip in the morning. They are actually leaving at 2:45. I still haven’t decided if I am going to get up and give her a send off yet or not. But Brenda came to hang out with me while she was gone. I am pretty excited, but nothing compared to as excited as Nathan is to have Nana here. He just about jumped out of his skin when he realized that we would have 4 people to play Mario Party and that we wouldn’t have to play with a computer player. Too bad Meredith is leaving tomorrow and we will be back down to unless Noah suddenly learns how to play.

Since it will be Meredith’s birthday on Monday we went out and celebrated at Willie T’s tonight and had cupcakes when we got back home. Meredith also go the aforementioned “Mario Party” as her present.

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