Monday, July 26, 2010

Guatemala - Part 2

God really challenged me with this trip to Guatemala. At first I didn't want to go. I could not imagine leaving my two boys, Noah just barely being one, for a whole week. But through his Word and through friends God created in my heart a desire to go. He showed me to whom much is given, much is required. My boys are so very blessed to have family and friends all around them who love on them and share the love of Jesus with them everyday. The children in the mountains of Guatemala may never have any one come and share the love of Jesus with them. If they do, not very often. I have been very blessed to have many share the love of Jesus with me. I am to do likewise.

I had a wonderful time in Guatemala. The people and the environment are beautiful. There were so many things I did love about the trip. But as we went one from one village to the next each day it was challenging to continually share the gospel using the salvation bracelets again and again to child after child. God stretched me in many ways. As we shared the gospel with hundreds in Guatemala, God hit me with, "How many are you sharing the gospel with at home?" There was also much discussion about discipleship during our trip. God revealed to me again, to whom much is given, much is required. I have been so blessed to have many women invest in me and spend time discipling me. I have intentionally discipled only one young lady since we moved to Eufaula. Granted there are life changes and we have children now and more responsibilities now, but God has begun to burden my heart to do more, to give back more. As I was sitting in our share time one night thinking through this one fairly young Christian, who happened to be my roommate, said "I need to be discipled." Sometimes God just has to spell it out plain for us.

God is so good and through this trip I was also reminded how blessed I am and how blessed we all are in America. Thank you again to all who invested financially and prayerfully. Couldn't have done it without you. Love you all.

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