Wednesday, June 2, 2010

11 Month Old Noah

Lots and lots of drool. He even wears a bib with pjs (up until we put him in the bed)!
Wants to do everything Nathan does.
In trouble for pulling hair.

Noah is 11 Months old today! This time last year I was pregnant and sweating it big time! But now we have a busy, pulling up, crawling everywhere little boy. He is happy and smiling except when he doesn't feel good. He loves his mama and dada and adores Nathan. It is so much fun to see the two of them starting to communicate with each other. Noah now has four teeth. He started cutting his third on May 15 the day of Nathan's birthday party and then started cutting the fourth one a week later on May 22. He is taking food full force. He loves crackers, cheerios, bread and all his fruits, veggies and cereal. Once we gave him chocolate cheerios he became a cheerios snob. The next time we tried to give him plain ones he just pushed them out of the way and wouldn't eat them. So now we give him a blend. Just like his mama - he loves his chocolate! More ear infections so we are going to the ENT next Tuesday and will be having tubes put in soon. We'll keep you posted - his birthday will be here in a blink!

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