Monday, June 28, 2010

Mario Birthday Party!

Nathan's birthday was May 12 and considering Noah's is coming up this Friday, July 2, I figured I better catch up and post about his birthday. Sorry for the delay.

These pictures are a little out of order but we all had a great time at Nathan's Mario Party. Months before we got a party catalog in the mail and once Nathan saw the Mario Party theme there was no changing his mind. Four years old and loves video games like his daddy. We had the party at Lakeside Park in Pell City so we could party with all the family this year.

The night before the party we spent the night in a motel with the Yates and Nana. The boys all had a wild time playing and swimming and sleeping together! It was a little bittersweet for the adults since they would soon be leaving for Africa.

Nathan's Birthday

Nathan had an extra special birthday this year. It was also the end of the year party for his preschool class. So they had extra fun playing on the playground, playing with the parachute, a bouncy house and bubbles. As you can see by these pictures Nathan and Bailey are buddies, palling around a lot.
Then we went back inside for pizza and cupcakes! It was finally Nathan's turn to be the leader in the birthday song and have everyone sing for him.

It was also a tough day because it was our last day to be with Mrs. Donna. She gave out some summer toys and great big hugs! Mama and Mrs. Donna were a little emotional. :)
Mrs. Annie is our friend who cleans up after us and gives us hugs as we leave each day.
Then back home to play on the new swingset!

Nathan is a bundle of joy. He is happy wherever he goes and whoever he is with. The only time he is not happy is when we make him go to bed. He loves the outdoors and riding his bike. He loves to invite friends over, young and old. His favorite foods are pizza (without cheese), hot dogs, sausage and strawberries. He loves his little brother Noah. If Nathan wakes up first in the morning he can't wait for Noah to wake up so he can go in his room and say "Good Morning." He loves going on adventures with his daddy but his very favorite thing to do is stay home and play - all four of us. Happy Birthday Nathan! We love you!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Sonic Hearing

Let me set the scene. Nathan had been in bed for at least 45 minutes, Meredith and I were watching Netflix on the Wii for the first time and I decide I want some popcorn. I had just poured the popcorn in the pot when I see Nathan walking down the hall. Here is the conversation:
Nathan: Daddy, why are you making that noise?
Me: What sort of noise?
Nathan: Popcorn noise.

Yes, my son from his bed heard me making popcorn and got up to eat it, and Meredith and I being the pushovers that we are actually let him. We did decide to go with regular popcorn instead of kettle corn so maybe there is hope for us as parents.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Father’s Day Fun

Going to play minature golf at Hollywood Connection is becoming a Father’s Day tradition for us. We had some points left over (possibly from last year) so we went to the indoor place to play putt-putt. I thought it was appropriate for all of the boys to wear their plaid shorts for the occasion.

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This picture was taken just moments before I got a hole in one. I thought my ball got stuck in the building and then Nathan pointed to it in the cup.


Noah didn’t really get into playing, but he did like the fake grass.


Noah wasn’t super sure about the train. But he rode with me. Nathan rode in the caboose.


Nate wanted to go play in the playground place, but he didn’t have socks. So I gave him mine. They were funny because they were almost up to his knees and the heels were up at his calf.

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No clue why Nathan thinks that kings are mad but this is his king face. We were at one of Daddy’s favorite restaurants Johnny Carino’s. I love the Italian Nachos so much it really might be sinful. Noah loved the bread almost as much. He is becoming very demanding when it comes to his food.

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Nathan took the time before our food came to teach Noah about Daddy’s iPod. It won’t be long before I will need one for each of them.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saddle Ridge Ranch Week 1

Nathan had a blast at Parkview's VBS this week and knows every word to this song by heart already. The funny thing in this video is Nathan's shorts were too big and he keeps pulling them up. The little boy behind him in the yellow shirt evidently thinks that part of the dance because he starts doing it too.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Tradition Continues

Ever since Nathan and I were young on our Monday mornings together we would go to McDonald’s to get a biscuit. This week was the first time that I continued that tradition with Noah. He loved it.

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Nathan’s First Missions Project

Meredith’s trip to Guatemala is just a few weeks away. Today at church the team got together to pack the shoes they are giving away into 22 big duffel bags. The shoes came packed in boxes directly from the factory so we needed to take the paper out of them and tie the laces together before stuffing them with socks and packing them away.

Nathan’s job was to take the paper out of the shoes and put them into the bag. He was into it for a while, but eventually decided he liked playing with Trenton better. He did understand the concept, though, and talked about giving shoes to the “big kids” who didn’t have any (the shoes we were packing were bigger than his).

He also is understanding the concept that Mommy and Daddy are going places to tell people about Jesus. He says when he grows up and is a Daddy he will tell people about Jesus too. I am trying to give him opportunities to do that even as a 4 year old.

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