Friday, December 4, 2009

Columbus Museum


Today I (Shane) just got in the mood to hang out with Nathan. Now that Noah is around there isn’t much time for just the two of us to go run around together like we used to.

So my beautiful wife stayed home with the baby while Nathan and I went and had an adventure in Columbus. We went to the museum and played in the kids section for a while. (It doesn’t officially allow pictures so I took video most places so that they wouldn’t see the flash) It was a blast just to be able to play with him and have all of my attention on him. I think he enjoyed it too.

Then we came home and the house was cleaned from top to bottom. Seriously my wife is too cool for school. Check out the pictures and captions below.


Getting ready to pull out of the driveway. I just thought he looked cute sitting there drinking his milk.


He was supposed to nap in the van on the way there. It took him almost the whole trip to fall asleep. Finally I told him that he had to close his eyes and he said, “Can I keep my mouth open?” I guess Uncle Corey’s bedtime routine has rubbed off on him. He finally fell asleep and then didn’t want to wake up when we got to the museum.



In the adult part of the museum there is a series of displays that show different types of houses and buildings (When Nathan saw the prehistoric people and their little hut he said, “that’s Baby Jesus’ house”) These two pictures are from the one room school house. Nathan is telling me that is where the teacher lives as he points to the front of the class.




Because of all the rain the Chattahoochee river is very high and running extremely fast. Here Nathan and I are standing on the rocks by the river walk. Nathan liked the water fall, but didn’t like that it was so loud. Loud noises tend to scare him a bit



We finished off our evening at Cheddars. He waited patiently for a table mainly because I let him play games on my iPod (I think the boy needs his own for Christmas) and then he ate a plate full of shrimp. (He was still eating when I took this picture)

All in all it was a fun little day; I am very thankful to get a chance to hang out with such a cool little dude.

1 comment:

Sumer said...

That poor child...between Aunt Sumer and her spoon and Uncle Corey and his rules, he was a little traumatized by bedtime at our house!

Glad you all had a good day!!