Wednesday, December 2, 2009

5 Months Old

A perfect picture of our 5 month old Noah. One of his favorite things to do is blow bubbles and drool. (You have to click on the picture and make it big to see the bubbles.) Even Dr. Glaze commented on how much drool this little man produces the other day. Noah is just a bundle of joy, smiling and laughing. He loves to sit up (propped up) so he can see and play. We even got out the exercauser for him to try out. He loves it, but it wears him out quick! We are so blessed because he is such a happy baby and such a good sleeper. He sleeps a good 6-8 hour stretch every night now. If only I could go to bed when he does, between 7-8 p.m. He's had an ear infection this month that's been tough to beat, but hopefully this second round of antibiotics will knock it out. We'll be starting fruits and veggies soon. I can't believe it's time to start him on baby food! God is good and I am so thankful for our baby Noah!

1 comment:

KY Nana said...

He is the sweetest little baby. I love how he watches everybody and takes it all in,so someday he can do those things