Friday, September 25, 2009

Sunday School

Nathan with Mrs. Maxie and the 2 & 3 yr olds. They all weren't as excited as Nathan about having their picture made. Nathan loved Mrs. Maxie's class. More than once on a weekday he would ask to go to Sunday school because he enjoyed being with them so much.

Noah gets spoiled rotten, I mean gets special attention, by Mrs. Theresa who rocks him and sings "Jesus Loves Me" to him each week.
Me and my faithful senior high girls, Andrea, Ashley and Brittney.

Our church year starts in September and to honor the Sunday School teachers, Penny, the Sunday School director went and took pictures of all the classes and did a presentation in the morning service the last Sunday in August. Then sweet Penny emailed the pictures to me. These pictures are about a month old but I want to include them on the blog to share this important part of our lives. God blesses us everyday through our church and I look forward to what He still has in store. I am not teaching this time for the first time in 9 years so I will be attending a young adult class and though I will miss seeing those sweet girls each week I am excited about being taught and diggging in God's Word with adults for a change.

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