Monday, September 14, 2009

Labor Day Fun

It's taken me a week to finally post our actual Labor Day fun. Since it was free Chick Fil A day we dressed in our Auburn gear and went to Chick Fil A for our free sandwiches. Even Noah showed his school spirit and got a free sandwich. We also were able to eat lunch with one of my best friends from middle school and high school. Cameron and her daughter Jordan came to eat with us. We don't get to see each other very often so it was wonderful to visit with them and catch up on things.Then we went to the Bass Pro Shop which Nathan now calls "the blue aquarium." They had some games for kids set up outside and Nathan always loves seeing the fish and other animals. At school he was introduced to Moon Pies when they had them for snack one day. At the Bass Pro Shop they had a display of Moon Pies in every flavor possible. Nathan picked a pink one and loved it. Even after we were home in Eufaula he was asking to go to the blue aquarium and get a moon pie again.

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