Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nathan Helps with Noah’s Bath

I have been on a big video kick these days. I have finally got my system so that I can shoot, edit, and then post videos in HD so I thought I would put some of the boys up. I have a couple (Meredith as a super hero and the infamous Nathan Nekid Dance) that I will have to share with family only.

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Calvary Lil Praisers

Check out my boy singing at church. He has some trouble standing still, but he sure does like to sing. I don’t remember me back at that age, maybe that is like me. I know that as I got older I got much more shy than he is. Whatever else you can say about him you gotta say he has a whole bunch of confidence.

I would suggest clicking the link and watching it at the YouTube site so you can watch it in “HD” so it will  be larger.

Watch it in HD

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Beach Bums 2009

This year when we went to the beach we stayed at a different condo and my family came to stay with us. It was a nice relaxing weekend, the weather was perfect and Nathan loved every minute of it...from the condo and the pool to the sand and the ocean to FeFe, One, Uncle Jonathan, Jennifer and Aunt Amanda to the best part...rainbow popcorn from Popcorn Kingdom at Pier Park. Nathan played and played and played. Noah didn't care too much for the beach but he slept pretty good at the condo. Our friends Danny and Theresa have a beautiful place where we stayed and we hope to stay there again and again.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sunday School

Nathan with Mrs. Maxie and the 2 & 3 yr olds. They all weren't as excited as Nathan about having their picture made. Nathan loved Mrs. Maxie's class. More than once on a weekday he would ask to go to Sunday school because he enjoyed being with them so much.

Noah gets spoiled rotten, I mean gets special attention, by Mrs. Theresa who rocks him and sings "Jesus Loves Me" to him each week.
Me and my faithful senior high girls, Andrea, Ashley and Brittney.

Our church year starts in September and to honor the Sunday School teachers, Penny, the Sunday School director went and took pictures of all the classes and did a presentation in the morning service the last Sunday in August. Then sweet Penny emailed the pictures to me. These pictures are about a month old but I want to include them on the blog to share this important part of our lives. God blesses us everyday through our church and I look forward to what He still has in store. I am not teaching this time for the first time in 9 years so I will be attending a young adult class and though I will miss seeing those sweet girls each week I am excited about being taught and diggging in God's Word with adults for a change.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pickle Sandwich

Children are strange creatures sometimes. Precious but strange. Nathan has eaten pickles on his ham sandwich from Subway two maybe three times in his life. At the BBQ restaurant here in town they have a really good smoked turkey sandwich he eats well, just turkey and bread. Today when we pulled up to eat lunch there and he saw where we were, he says "Mommy, I want a pickle sandwich." I chuckled and said okay. Of course I went in and ordered him the turkey sandwich. When the waitress brought it he still insisted he wanted a pickle sandwich. So I went back to the counter and got a little cup of pickles and went back to the table and took the turkey off his bread and put the pickles on... and that my friend is what my child ate for lunch "A pickle sandwich!"

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Noah Kicks

It turns out that Sunday was a big day for the Yanceys. Nathan said a verse in church and then after he went to be Meredith and I convinced ourselves that Noah was reaching for these toys with his feet.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Labor Day Fun

It's taken me a week to finally post our actual Labor Day fun. Since it was free Chick Fil A day we dressed in our Auburn gear and went to Chick Fil A for our free sandwiches. Even Noah showed his school spirit and got a free sandwich. We also were able to eat lunch with one of my best friends from middle school and high school. Cameron and her daughter Jordan came to eat with us. We don't get to see each other very often so it was wonderful to visit with them and catch up on things.Then we went to the Bass Pro Shop which Nathan now calls "the blue aquarium." They had some games for kids set up outside and Nathan always loves seeing the fish and other animals. At school he was introduced to Moon Pies when they had them for snack one day. At the Bass Pro Shop they had a display of Moon Pies in every flavor possible. Nathan picked a pink one and loved it. Even after we were home in Eufaula he was asking to go to the blue aquarium and get a moon pie again.

Nathan at Church

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mark Hall and Friends

Tonight I was blessed to attend Parkview and hear Mark Hall and a few of his friends from Casting Crowns. Since Bro. John, the Minister of Music at Parkview is his dad, Mark came and did an informal concert. I was lucky enough to have someone offer me a seat on the second row. It was neat to hear a little of his testimony and see how God uses someone ordinary to do amazing things. That and the spirit of God was very evident and it was a powerful time of worship.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Two Months Update

Noah now weighs 12 lbs 4 oz and is 23 3/4 in. He is giving us lots of smiles and cooing now. His little smile can light up a whole room.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

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Friday I took Nathan and Noah to spend the weekend with my family in Pell City. This was Noah's first visit to his grandparents house and his first time to meet many family and friends in Pell City. It was a wonderful weekend full of love and laughter. I am so thankful for my family who willingly and lovingly helped me care for the boys until Shane was able to come after church on Sunday. It was wonderful to be able to spend a long weekend with them and not feel rushed coming and going. As Nathan would say (and did say) "I had so much fun!"

Friday, September 4, 2009

First Football Game

Meredith had a dinner at her church so I was the prime babysitter last night. I thought it would be fun to take the boys to the middle school football game. I thought that there would be just a handful of people there so Nathan could run around. As it turns out the place was pretty full, but we still had a good time. Noah liked the band music and the lights and Nathan…well…Nathan pretty much likes everything. He really wanted to get on the field and run with the football players and was bummed that he couldn’t, but other than that it was a fun night.

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Nathan and Noah

Sunday morning while Shane and I were getting ready for church Noah was asleep on our bed. I snapped his sweet picture and then a little later Nathan came and climbed up on the bed and said "Mommy, can I sleep with Noah?" Of course in the process Noah woke up, but it was a very sweet moment.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009