Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Picnic in the Park

The weather was nice at the first of the week so we decided to have a picnic in the park, let Nathan play on the playground and Shane throw his new frisbees for a little while. All went well except for the picnic part. After we just started digging into our food we were suddenly swarmed by yellow jackets. We had to surrender our food and move on to the playing part. Nathan was evidently pretty hungry. As happy as he was to move on to the swings, when he got there he said, "Mommy can you bring my food over here. I want to eat over here." Fortunately Shane was able to rescue his chips and drink. Even though we all went home a little hungry we did enjoy the nice weather and playing outside.

1 comment:

Ky Nana said...

Glad noone got stung.
Noah is looking more like Nathan in that picture.
What sweet boys. Thanks Daddy for saving the chips and drinks