Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Time Out

It is no secret that I (Shane) like to get out of Eufaula. For the past 3 years Nathan and I would make a run to Dothan or Columbus at least every other week. Today was my first trip with both of my boys.

We ended up in Opelika because I wanted to go to Academy sports and because the train table at the Book-A-Million in Tiger Town has chairs right beside it perfect for Noah feeding.

The day went very well. This picture doesn’t quite do it justice because I think this was about the only time Noah was crying; for most of the trip he just slept.

Nathan and I had fun in Academy. There was a bottom shelf rack of those rocket balls I think they are called that will bounce like 75ft. Nathan thought it was fun to throw them at Daddy and see how many I could hold. We played that game for quite some time (all while Noah slept) and later Nathan even pee peed in the urinal.

Speaking of Nathan peeing. On the way home we are cruising along in the van and Nathan says he has to go potty. So I find a place to pull over, but when I get out there is knee high grass and no real shoulder stand on. So I pull down Nathan’s pants and let him stand in the van and pee out the door. He couldn’t stop giggling. It was a very great father/son type moment.


1 comment:

KY Nana said...

Ohyeah,peeing out the car door has always been fun for little boys. Glad you had a good boys day out.
Thanks for the pics