Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ladies (and Noah) Night Out

Noah got to go to his first Ladies Night Out with me last night. We gathered together at the church for a delicious dinner of pizza, pasta and dessert. Ladies Night Out is always one of my favorite nights of the month. It is always a blessed time of fellowship and sharing together. At home evenings and bedtimes are still a little rough with both boys by yourself. Sometimes Noah is calm while you're getting Nathan ready for bed and sometimes he's a screamer demanding attention. I knew there would be plenty of arms willing to hold our little newborn for a few minutes so I took Noah with me. I think Nathan went with me twice to Ladies Night Out when he was a baby. My boys should feel special with all the attention they get from the ladies. :) Truly, when those at our church love on my boys it makes me feel even more loved. Penny happened to bring her camera so we got a picture of her and Noah.

1 comment:

Ky nana said...

Looks pretty content with the ladies. He is getting cuter everyday