Saturday, February 5, 2011

Nathan Stays up all night

I didn’t want to lose my log of our Star Wars Marathon Activities so I am posting it here. It isn’t formatted very well, but at least I have it saved for the future. If you are reading it you need to start at the bottom and read up.

  • Catalyst Eufaula

    This morning I had to go and do a thing for Eufaula TV. When I left this was Nathan still asleep with his momma.

    9 hours ago · Like · · Share

Catalyst Eufaula

That was fun. Nate is now asleep in his bed and I think I will do the same.

17 hours ago via Android · Like ·

  • Catalyst Eufaula

    I feel bad that he didn't even make it to midnight.

    18 hours ago · Like ·
  • Catalyst Eufaula

    The lights are out and we are laying here watching the end of Jedi. Little man's eyes are getting very, very droopy.

    18 hours ago · Like ·
  • Catalyst Eufaula

    It is a very special time when a boy sees his first Ewok. Almost like realizing there is no Santa Clause because for the first time you see that Lucas isn't infallible.

    18 hours ago · Like ·
  • Catalyst Eufaula

    These are the Star Wars space ships that Nathan has created. Yep, 11:03 and he is still going strong.

    19 hours ago · Like · · Share

  • Catalyst Eufaula

    Watching Return of the Jedi makes me realize how much better of a Jedi Anikin is than Luke. I hate the prequels, but Anikin would have whipped up on the people at Jabba's place without even breaking a sweat. Luke gets shot for heaven's sake.

    19 hours ago · Like ·
  • Catalyst Eufaula

    Nathan is at least watching the TV more and playing less. I think he is on his way towards sleepy town. Well, at least I hope he is.

    19 hours ago · Like ·
  • Catalyst Eufaula

    Does he look sleepy to you? Nope, doesn't to me yet either.

    19 hours ago · Like · · Share

      • Brenda Nelson I think u r in for a long night.Have fun

        19 hours ago · Like

      • Catalyst Eufaula Yep, Meredith has already gone to bed.

        19 hours ago · Like

  • Catalyst Eufaula

    Just finished the second half of Empire (We had watched the first half yesterday). Nathan is still going strong. He is now busy breaking his C3-PO so that it looks like it does in Empire.

    19 hours ago · Like ·
      • Brenda Nelson He may be like his Daddy,a night owl

        19 hours ago · Like

  • Catalyst Eufaula

    We have made it through Star Wars and Nathan is still going strong!

    20 hours ago · Like ·
  • Catalyst Eufaula

    Nathan has been asking for several weeks to "Stay up all night" (I should really record the very southern way that he says ni-ight,) So tonight I thought it would be fun to let him try. We are watching Star Wars and playing with Legos. I put the over under at around 10:30.

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