Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Happy New Year

Today is New Year's Day. The weather was rainy so we stayed in today. We all piled up on the bed and watched some of the Rose Bowl parade. We played card games and napped and baked brownies. Shane and Nathan did go out tonight to the Columbus hockey game, but Noah and I stayed here. I realized when I got ready to give Noah a bath tonight he still had his Mickey Mouse pj top on from last night. He's been in that and a diaper all day. Noah usually goes to bed with a little fuss but pretty much wants to lay down and go to sleep in his own bed by himself. Tonight after his bath we read books and I put him to bed. He screamed loud for about 10 minutes. Worried he might be hurting from his fall yesterday I went in to check on him and he was standing up screaming and held his arms out. So I picked him up and he pointed to his pacifier and blanket and I got them both. Then I sat in the rocking chair and rocked him and he went to sleep on my chest. A special moment for me because he was not one to be rocked even as an infant. (Tomorrow I may be griping again) but today I am thankful for another day, another year, for the sweet days like this with the family God has given me.

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