Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Backyard Disc Golf Course

It seems that every day Nathan wants to go outside and throw Frisbees. He is slowly but surly starting to call them “discs” instead of the name brand “Frisbee.” But for some reason he thinks that only some of them are discs and some of them are Frisbees so you get statements like, “I’m going to take the blue disc one.”

Anyway, we have made a semi-permanent course in our back yard. It is pretty tough for Nathan, but he normally makes it in about 16 shots a round. As you can see we have added numbers and tee boxes this week.



Check out his form. This is the “step throw” technique that we are working on this week.

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1 comment:

Shane said...

Nathan got his very own lighter disc golf discs today. When we got back home at 8:30 we still had to go out in the back yard and throw a bit. Lots and lots of fun.