Saturday, January 23, 2010

Boys Day Out

For our Anniversary I (Shane) gave Meredith some time to scrapbook. I agreed to take the boys somewhere for one Saturday and two weekday nights so she could get started on Noah’s book. So last week we printed about 250 pictures, and today I took both boys to Albany.

The original idea was to go and spend the day at the zoo, but it turned out to be 40 degrees instead of 60 like yesterday so we ended up at the Aquarium instead.

I have made several long trips with Nathan and a few with just Noah, but I don’t travel with the two of them alone very often. This is also one of the first time Nathan and I have taken a long trip since he was potty trained. That adds a whole new level of stress.

We started by going to the Mall so we could eat some Chick-fil-A. This was my first time to try out the new ride and stand stroller. I have to say that thing is freaking big, or at least bigger than our regular stroller. So we go into this bathroom at the mall at it is sort of small and there is someone in the handicap stall so the stroller won’t fit in the other stall (and honestly Nathan and I won’t fit well either). I send Nathan in the stall, but I really have to use the bathroom myself so I part Noah in the only place I can which is sort of over by one of the urinals. I need to go, but I don’t want to pee right at Noah’s head so I go to the only other one available. So now me and the boys are taking up 3 of the 4 holes in this bathroom and into this situation walks a man with a seeing eye dog. So I am trying to pee and sort of talk to this guy about the stroller blocking the urinal. When suddenly 2 Hispanic guys walk in. I couldn’t understand what they were saying, but I could tell from their tone that they were pretty surprised by the whole thing too. Needless to say we went out of that bathroom without washing our hands (I did use some wipes before we eat before people get mad at me).

But after that crazy time it all got better. We made it to the aquarium and Nathan had a great time. Seeing him excited always makes things more fun.

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I have to explain this face that Nathan makes for pictures now. Once I was taking a picture of him and he was giving me his fake, eyes closed type smile. So I asked him to open his mouth and look surprised, which is closer to his real smile. That sort of caught on and now when I tell him to look at the camera this is the face he makes.

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Noah liked rolling around for a while, but eventually got tuckered out and went to sleep.


Of course we had to stop and get popcorn because that’s is Nathan’s favorite food.


We also went to Mellow Mushroom because that is one of my favorite foods.


The other day I was digging around in the garage and found my old Game Boy Advance. Nathan has claimed it as his own and loves playing Sonic and Mario on it. I don’t think I ever would have imagined way back when I got that for Christmas that I would be passing it on to my son.

Anyway, all in all it was a very fun day. Nathan fell asleep on the ride home and pretty much walked straight to our bed. Meredith put a pull up on him while he was sleeping and as of 10:23 he is still asleep. Considering that he fell asleep around 5:45 I would imagine Meredith will have a real fun time at 4:00 this morning when he wakes up.

1 comment:

Ky nana said...

traveling with you and the boys is always an entertaining experience. At least Nathan does as he is told. He is so funny. Love the pose lol.Glad you had fun and I am sure Meredith enjoyed her time alone