Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Movies and Munchies

Meredith saw on the internet a Winter Family Day type thing was happening at the movies. Apparently some of them had Thomas the Tank engine, but the one in our area was supposedly Olivia (you know the little pig).

Well, Nathan has a history with not wanting to go to movies. He made it into Wall-E, but left crying the moment the previews started. I couldn’t even get him to go in the doors of Monsters v Aliens. He just sat on the floor crying. But since this was a show that he knew and since it was a very cheap ticket we figured we would give it another shot.

Then Meredith had the very great idea of taking some big headphones with us since a big part of the problem is how loud the movies are. The headphones worked for Nathan and were the only way I could convince him to go into the theater (even a promise of popcorn wasn’t enough without the headphones). I think he must have asked me if I had them like 3 times.

When We get inside the theater—pink popcorn in hand—we pretty much have the place to ourselves. Only one other family came in which was surprising for such cheap tickets. At the start of the movie Nathan was ready to go. Even with his headphones he was scared as the lights came down and had to sit in my lap through the first stupid commercials. But then the saving grace of our afternoon happened, the first real preview was for Toy Story 3 and that turned around his whole attitude.

So we settled in to watch the show which turned out to be several PBS cartoons strung together to make an hour long show. One of these was Olivia, but only one. Nathan enjoyed it, but I was so sleepy that at one point I actually laid down across the seats and dozed for a bit.

In the end it was a darn good way to spend an afternoon (especially since before the Movie Nathan said he wanted shrimp to eat so I took him to Red Lobster) and I think that Nathan will be willing to go back and see more movies which is a very big plus for me!

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