Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pajama Day

Is it morning time in this picture? Is Nathan eating breakfast? No, it's 4:00 in the afternoon and Nathan is having his snack. Today was a wonderfully lazy day where we stayed around the house and played and had lunch and took naps all in our pajamas. Ironically, the only one who was in clothes, not pj's when I took this picture was Noah.

On a side note since Nathan asked for rainbow Cheerios last week and we were out I bought some at the store a few days later. He almost cried when I showed him and said "No, the ones with the bird on it!" How he knows what Fruit Loops are I'll never know. I've only bought Fruity Cheerios so far. Anyway, since he was sick this week I traded them for some Fruit Loops. The boy now wakes up asking for Fruit Loops and goes to bed asking for Fruit Loops. Breakfast time, lunchtime, snacktime, anytime he can get them, he asks for Fruit Loops. I think he's gone through half a box (the BIG box) in a week.

1 comment:

KY nana said...

I love PJ day. I stay in mine every chance I get.
internet as been down all weekend. So I missed out on a lot. Thanks for the blog.