Thursday, November 19, 2009

He Knows He's Home

This morning I had an office party at 9:00 so I took Noah with me and we "partied hard" for about 45 minutes then headed home. Noah was in a good mood for most of the party but then started to get a little whiny toward the end because he was tired. It was time for his nap. I thought he might go to sleep in the car on the way home, but he didn't. I brought him in the house, wrapped him in his blanket and sat down in the rocker with him. He immediately put his little head on my chest, closed his eyes and went to sleep. I thought, he know's he's home. He know's the smell and feel of home and being in mommy's arms. Looking at the peaceful sleeping baby as I rocked him, I thought man, how much God must love us! And how thankful I am to know the feel of "home with Him." How blessed we are and how long has it been since you let your Father wrap you in his arms and hold you and rock you and love on you? I know it's hard, especially in this busy world we live in. As soon as I put Noah down in his bed, I immediately went to my never ending to do list but God said "No, come and sit with me for a while." So I did and it was well worth the minutes. 1Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

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