Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Our Friend Dr. Glaze

We went to see our friend Dr. Glaze again today. People wonder why we drive back to Opelika to take the boys to the doctor. It's all for Dr. Glaze. He is so calming and reassuring. Along with being a good doctor he is a very kind man. And Nathan loves him. Of course Dr. Glaze gives him huge Thomas and Veggie Tale and Spiderman stickers, so what little boy wouldn't.

After eating lunch Nathan came to me looking like he did not feel good at all. He burst in to tears saying his ear hurt. The other ear. So back we go to Dr. Glaze. Four times in about Six weeks. God is good - when I called the Pediatric Clinic at 3:00 p.m. they gave us their last appointment of the day. Since it was Wednesday and Shane had to be at church I had to take both of the boys with me. Nathan does have a new ear infection, but we've already started a new antibiotic tonight and hopefully he will be feeling better in the morning.

But while we were there and weighing Nathan the nurse helped me weigh Noah too. He is now a whopping 14 lbs. 8 oz.

1 comment:

Ky Nana said...

Hope Nathan gets better soon.Noah is a whopper.Looks
so sweet in his carrier