Thursday, October 22, 2009

All in Perspective

We've had a crazy couple of weeks with Nathan being sick for so long and so many doctor trips. Noah had some kind of pink eye infection last weekend and gave it to Sumer. Last week Shane got sick with a bad cold. All he would do for it was take Nyquil day and night and he just wanted to sleep all the time. I didn't have a whole lot of pity on him and now I'm paying for it. Yesterday I came down with a sinus infection and can't breathe through my nose. I immediately went to the doctor and he gave me an antibiotic for it but that doesn't help the stuffiness, at least not yet. I can't take over the counter stuff for nursing Noah. Yesterday afternoon I about lost it with Nathan making scratches in the kitchen table with his fork at dinner time while I tended to a crying Noah. But then I went to church last night and Shane shared the story of Job with the youth. God can sure change my perspective in a heartbeat.

"The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
may the name of the LORD be praised."

1 comment:

Ky Nana said...

Makes us all feel blessed with just colds doesn't it.
Hope everyone feels better soon