Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Nathan Update

How scary is this?

Nathan has had a cough and off and on runny nose for a month now. Our pediatrician is not big on overmedicating children, especially for the common cold. Nathan did have an ear infection and was treated with antibiotic however, he can't get rid of this nasty cough. So, I took him back to the doctor again today and he prescribed an inhaler for 7-10 days and a steroid. He showed us in the office today what the inhaler looked like and how to use it.

Well, I didn't know it then but it terrified Nathan. Tonight when we tried to use it, he cried and cried. He wanted to go potty, which we still have to make him do. He even put himself in time out. He was pitiful, offering up anything to not have to use that inhaler. But once we finally got him calm and got him to try it, he realized it wasn't so bad. Hopefully this will clear up his cough and cold or possible RSV and we can all have some peaceful nights and Nathan will be 100% better.

Shane’s Update: It hasn’t gotten better yet. When he woke up in the middle of the night and we tried to get him to use it and when we tried to get him to do it this morning he fought us. No amount a bribing or ordering would work.

But here is a funny story. When he is supposed to do something I normally give him a choice. "Nathan you can get in your bed or you can sit in time out” something like that. Last night I said, “OK, here are your choices” and even before I said them he got up and practically ran to his room saying, “I’ll sit in time out.” It was funny and pitiful all rolled into one.


Sumer said...

THat is scary looking, and that is one pitiful story!! I hope that he feels better soon. :)

Ky nana said...

Poor baby.Hope he feels better soon.